Friday, November 30, 2012

Living life at the JC

Alrighty. It's time for a random post! There are all sorts of adventures/random moments we've had here at the Jerusalem Center that we haven't had a chance to share yet, so I'm taking the liberty of doing that now. It will be a crazy mess of everything, but that's okay! Here goes...

Best sandals/shoes in the world??? Oh yes! Cutest footwear I've ever worn? Definitely! ...Or so I tell myself. I'm still  trying to convince myself that it's true

We found a Yogurt shop in Jerusalem! 

Happy Halloween!!!!

This is the Student Lounge at Hebrew U. Apparently it's for sleeping--NOT talking or doing homework or anything else. Definitely not conducive for our group!

Liz was hard at work during our field trip...

After lunch at Mt. Herzl!

Herzl's tomb--they put rocks on the graves here to commemorate people. It's a different tradition, but super I find it fascinating!

Once upon a time we ordered pizza and had it delivered to the center. That was to celebrate the survival of another midterm!

Please take a close look at that board. We had a massive study session (shown below) in preparation for our Old Testament final. We split up half of the Old Testament and each had to take our portions to teach for our review. There were two of us on this part. And about 10-12 other white boards that looked the same. Going over all of those names, dates, stories and concepts in less than 24 hours nearly caused an explosion in my brain. And this was the shortened, important-points-to-remember-for-each-section summary. 

This was the study group I mentioned earlier! This wasn't even everyone involved. We had over half our class in on these. We scheduled each one out for one FULL day and packed in as many review sessions as possible in order to cover the material. It was rather intense!


  1. Guess where Reid just got a job?! Yogurtland!

  2. Maaaaaaaaaaaah. Love Mary Victorkey hahaha I c word wait till you get home. P. S. c word means can't.
