Friday, September 7, 2012

Just another day in Jerusalem!

There is a money-changer here whose business is called "Aladdin's" (yes, it's spelled like the Disney movie, but it's pronounced completely different--more like ahl-a-deen) and all of the students here go to him.  He is fair and gives the best rates, so we don't even consider going to anybody else.  He showed us "Aladdin's Book of Mormons," a book filled with past Jerusalem Center students.  Students write the date, their name, where they are from, and a quick note.  It goes back to 1997, so we were able to find Becca and Lizzie (Parsons') notes, as well as several other people that we know.  Also at Aladdin's, there is a wall covered in notes from students in the past.  Most of them are general notes, though some are written to specific people. I found a few from people that I know, but best of all... I found a note for me and Sara from Jay Rainsdon!! That was just the happiest thing ever!  There are all sorts of past-students memorials here.  A couple days ago we walked under the center and they let you write your name, so I found close to a dozen people that I know that have come here!  It's pretty awesome!

I am on the Humanitarian and Hosting committee, and today we had our first service project.  Forty-five (ish) of us put together school kits for a local school or orphanage.  There was a record of putting together 1,700 kits in two hours... we made 2,150!! It was so awesome to see everybody so excited to serve and just whip right through those things!  We really have the most amazing people in our group and it's absolutely wonderful!


  1. Wow, that brings back a lot of memories! Good old Aladdin! Your mom sent me those pictures you took of my name in his book, thank you, it was so fun to see that. I would have left you guys a note on the wall if I knew 13 years ago that you would be there now! :)

    SO fun reading about your adventures. Love you both!


  2. Humanitarian and Hosting Committee...sounds like a DREAM!!!!!
